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Tower Hamlets

News and information to support your work with families: Let’s Talk SEND Event and Families Matter Ebulletin


Let’s Talk SEND Information Event (please see flyer attached to promote to parents and carers)


Parents and carers are invited to the autumn term’s Let’s Talk SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) Information Event:


Date:                  Wednesday 9th November 2022

Time:                 10.30am-1pm

Venue:               Main Hall, Brady Arts & Community Centre , 192-196 Hanbury Street, Whitechapel, London E1 5HU


There will be an information market place with various education, health and community services stalls.  Senior managers will also be giving an update on the SEND improvement journey and future plans to parents from 11am. 


The Tower Hamlets Independent SEND Parent Forum who have helped organise the event are keen to invite all parents and carers as well as those with children who have SEND to raise awareness more widely.


No booking required.  Lunch and refreshments will be provided.  Colleagues are encouraged to bring a group of parents from your school or organisation and can email Parentalengagement@towerhamlets.gov.uk if you would like to do this.



‘The Parent and Family Support Service builds resilience, independence and sustainability in local communities to support early help and is highly valued by the parents involved.’

Tower Hamlets Inspection of Children’s Social Care Ofsted Report 2019


Search the Local Offer for information about services available to children, young people and families in Tower Hamlets. www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/localoffer


News and information to support work with families: Friday update for professionals –4th November 2022


LBTH Inclusive Children's Sessions at Mile End Stadium mini pitches. Please promote to families (see flyer attached)

Please find attached a flyer highlighting the opportunity for young residents with SEND to access physical activity sessions.

These sessions are delivered in partnership with West Ham United Foundation and their skilled specialist coaches.  It is a great way for youngsters to get exercise, let off steam and meet friends in a safe environment. This access to sports can be extremely difficult to achieve in grassroots club settings, where coaches are not trained to work with this cohort.
For more details, please email: 

INVITATION: THIFF Inter Faith Week 2022 - Tower Hamlets: Working in Partnership. (Please share)

Tower Hamlets Inter Faith Forum would like to invite you to our Inter Faith Week 2022 event – Tower Hamlets: Working in Partnership, taking place at 6pm on Tuesday 15 November at Raines Foundation School, Approach Rd, Bethnal Green, London E2 9LY.

For more details on the event visit: www.faithintowerhamlets.org/events/thiff-inter-faith-week-event-2022

Speakers (more tba)

  • Abbas Mirza, Community Engagement Lead, Barts Health NHS Trust
  • Sharon Godman, Director of Strategy, Improvement and Transformation, London Borough of Tower Hamlets

There will be free refreshments, and stalls to browse, held by local organisations.

Limited spaces available - please register at: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/425699417417

If you are a local organisation and would like to have a stall at the event, please email:  info@faithintowerhamlets.org

Early REPAIR Course (ERC), new support for fathers in Tower Hamlets.

A collaboration between the Positive Change Service, Tower Hamlets Early Help Service and the Parenting Team, a new two-day brief intervention group work programme for fathers is coming up.

Early REPAIR aims to support fathers by raising awareness where there have been concerns regarding domestic abuse within their relationships. The group programme is interactive with a range of tools that encourage fathers to reflect upon their behaviour and think about how their abusive behaviour has impacted on their child/children.

Link work support will be given to partners of fathers who attend. Fathers who attend must be assessed as being LOWER risk.

Referrals are now being taken for the two-day course which runs on:

  • Date: Tuesday 15th November and Tuesday 13th December 2022 (both days 10am to 4.30pm)
  • Venue: Meath Gardens Children and Family Centre, 1 Smart Street,  London E2 0SN


For more information, email: Parenting@towerhamlets.gov.uk


Let's Talk SEND Information Event.  Please promote to the families you work with and any contacts working with families (see flyer attached)

The next Let’s Talk SEND Information Event is taking place on:

  • Date: Wednesday 9th November 2022, 10.30am-1pm
  • Venue: Main Hall, Brady Arts & Community Centre , 192-196 Hanbury Street, Whitechapel, London E1 5HU

There will be an information market place with education, health and community services stalls.  Senior managers will also be giving an update to parents from 11am.  Details to promote the event are in the flyer attached.

Parents and carers of children who have SEND are invited to attend, but the Independent SEND Parent Forums would like to extend the invitation to all parents and carers who may be interested in finding out more to raise awareness.

The event is being organised with the Tower Hamlets Independent SEND Parent Forum in partnership with the City of London SEND Parent Carer Forum and TH Parent and Carer Council.

No booking required.  Lunch and refreshments are provided.  If you are working with a group of parents and would like to bring them along on Wednesday that would be great. 

For more information, email parentalengagement@towerhamlets.gov.uk

Safe Connections Suicide Prevention Helpline. Information for families and training/collaboration opportunities for staff. (Please see attached)

A reminder that Safe Connections Suicide Prevention Helpline is available to support anyone who needs someone to talk to.

Safe Connections provide a warm and safe space to talk, explore and work through suicidal thoughts and feelings, and help people find the right directions and support they need. 

Call 0300 561 0115, or email safeconnections@mithn.org.uk and they will call back.

As well as the helpline, here are there are upcoming autumn/winter dates for Safe Connections’ suicide awareness and prevention training on the following dates.

  • Tuesday 8th November - 2-4pm
  • Tuesday 6th December - 3-5pm

These sessions are run by Mind in Hackney, but they are online and open to anyone and everyone in North East London.

For more information and to register visit:  www.mindchwf.org.uk/our-services/suicide-awareness-and-prevention-training

Safe Connections are also keen connect and collaborate with colleagues and can attend team meetings to help raise awareness of their work. 

Email:  safeconnections@mithn.org.uk  and  david.halliday@mithn.org.uk

Applying to Primary School: Nursery and Reception Sessions. (Please share with parents)

Applying To Primary School – Get Set 2023 (Reception)

Tower Hamlets Transition Support Service advocates early intervention to support children, young people and their families with information and advice at key points of transition to help manage change and make informed decisions about the next steps of their learning journey.

The move to primary school is an important moment both for children and their parents. It offers all sorts of new opportunities, but it also can cause anxiety and confusion, so it’s vital parents have as much information as possible in order to make an informed decision about their child’s future.

To support families with the primary transfer, process the Transition Support Service are holding online advice sessions (through zoom) for parents/carers:  

  • Tuesday 15th November 2022, 1pm
  • Wednesday 7th December 2022, 6pm
  • Friday 13th January 2023, 10am
  • Wednesday 1st February 2023,  10am

To book a place for the reception sessions visit:  


Applying for a nursery place – Get Ready 2023 (Please share with parents)

Starting nursery is an important moment both for children and their parents. It offers all sorts of new opportunities, but it also can cause anxiety and confusion, so it’s vital parents have as much information as possible in order to make an informed decision about their child’s future.

To support families with the nursery application, process the Transition Support Service in collaboration with The Admissions Service are holding online advice sessions (through zoom) for parents/carers:  

  • Friday 18th November 2022, 1pm
  • Monday 5th December 2022, 6pm
  • Thursday 12th January 2023, 10am
  • Tuesday 7th February 2023, 10am


To book a place for the nursery session visit: https://GR2023.eventbrite.co.uk

For more information on either the reception or nursery sessions for parents email transitions@towerhamlets.gov.uk or call 07783 884 869 or 07908 456 660.

Platform to Talk Online Session:  Stand up to Bullying, Friday 11th November at 10am-11am.  Please share with families (see flyer attached)

The Parental Engagement Team ‘Platform to Talk’ (PTT) sessions allow parents’ to come together, share experiences and receive information.

The next PTT session will be about the impact of bullying in our society. The session will raise awareness of bullying of children and young people, in schools and elsewhere and will highlight ways of preventing and responding to it. Please join to share your experiences on this significant topic.

Details to join online via Zoom are in the flyer attached.

Email Parentalengagement@towerhamlets.gov.uk for more information.

Upcoming Compassionate Neighbours training. Please promote this training opportunity for families. (See attached)

Please find attached the poster for the next Compassionate Neighbours training.
If you would like a place, please send an email to cn@stjh.org.uk or call 020 8525 3231.

Triple P Family Transitions. Please share with families (see attached)

Triple P (Positive Parenting Programme) is a scientifically researched family support strategy designed to help parents improve their parenting skills and build positive relationships with their children. The Parenting Team offer a range of Triple P parenting programme to suit different parental needs. Now taking referrals for Triple P Family Transitions (see flyer for details of the course).

Places are still available for parents who apply before 8th November 2022.

Email: parenting@towerhamlets.gov.uk

Job Apprenticeship Fair. (See attached)

The Peabody jobs and apprenticeship fair will have over 50 employers with live vacancies.  The opportunities at the fair are attached and include jobs at TfL, social media, technology, the Fire Brigade, early years work and more.  There will be a ‘LinkedIn photobooth’ to get professional photos taken. They are also holding a range of online skills and training courses and support for starting a business.

If attendees need extra support to get involved, they can email employment.training@peabody.org.uk

To book a space at the fair, visit [http://%20www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/peabody-jobs-and-apprenticeship-fair-in-partnership-with-hackney-council-tickets-431151063437] www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/peabody-jobs-and-apprenticeship-fair-in-partnership-with-hackney-council-tickets-431151063437

  • Wednesday 9th November 2022, 10am – 4pm
  • Location: Hackney Town Hall.


Family Fun - Sheet 35. Please display on your school website and share with families (see attached)

Happy mind, Happy life. Small activities to promote positive mental health in your children.



Parent & Family Support Service ~   4th November 2022

‘The Parent and Family Support Service builds resilience, independence and sustainability in local communities to support early help and is highly valued by the parents involved.’

Tower Hamlets Inspection of Children’s Social Care Ofsted Report 2019

To find out more about the work of the Parent and Family Support Service visit: www.towerhamlets.gov.uk/parentfamilysupport

Search the Local Offer for information about services available to children, young people and families in Tower Hamlets. www.tow